
Mname is Romain VUATTOUX. I am born inFrance in the Alps. In 1999, while in high school, I left my country to studyabroad for a year in the US, which ended up leading me to continue my studiesand professional life abroad. After my International Baccalaureate in Moshi, Tanzania,I went to study my Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) at Mount Allison University, in NewBrunswick, Canada. My B.A.’s major was International Relations, and I completeda double minor in Asian Studies and in History. During my studies I came toChina for a short six weeks exchange in 2003. After graduating, I decided tocome back to China to learn more Mandarin and to immerse myself in Chineseculture. I began teaching English at a High School in a small town of Zhejiangprovince in 2007, then moved to Hangzhou (2008-2010) where I taught English atHanghzou Dianzi University. While working, I obtained my qualification to TeachEnglish as a Second Language (TEFL/TESOL) and an International EnvironmentalLaw certificate from Switzerland, UNITAR in 2009. I moved to Shanghai to teachat the Training Center for Overseas Studies (TCOS/CICP) from 2010 to 2011,where I taught both English and French language courses. In 2012, I completedmy Masters of Science in Sustainable Urban Management, from Malmo University(Sweden). In 2013, I returned to TCOS/CICP, and a year later began working as ateaching fellow for the foundation program of the department of Arts LawPsychology and Social Sciences (ALPSS) of the university of Waikato (NewZealand). In 2021-22, while working, I completed a Post-Graduate Certificate inTeaching and Learning from Waikato University.

Courses taught: Media Studies, International Relations, History, Sociology andArts.

我的名字叫Romain VUATTOUX。我出生在法国的阿尔卑斯山区。1999年,我在高中时离开了法国,去美国留学了一年,这让我决定继续在国外学习和工作。在坦桑尼亚的莫西完成国际文凭课程后,我前往加拿大新不伦瑞克省的Mount Allison大学攻读学士学位。我的学士主修国际关系,双修亚洲研究和历史。在读书期间,我于2003年来到中国进行了为期六周的短期交流。毕业后,我决定再次来中国学习普通话,并沉浸在中国文化中。2007年,我开始在浙江省一个小镇的高中教英语,然后搬到杭州(2008-2010年),在杭州电子科技大学教英语。在工作期间,我获得了英语作为第二语言(TEFL/TESOL)的教学资格,并于2009年在瑞士UNITAR获得了国际环境法证书。我于2010年搬到上海,在上海外国语大学出国留学人员培训部及海外合作学院任教直到2011年,那时我教授英语和法语课程。2012年,我获得了瑞典马尔默大学的可持续城市管理硕士学位。2013年,我又回上外工作,一年后开始担任新西兰Waikato大学艺术法律心理社会科学系基础课程的教学助理。2021-2022年,在工作的同时,我完成了Waikato大学的教学与学习研究生证书课程。
